Do I have to apply for the psychometric test?

No, the psychometric test is part of the Senior Appointments Advisory Committee (SAAC) Interview Procedure. It assesses the applicant’s leadership potential, personality traits and suitability to assume a Headship position through a self-administered test. The result of the preliminary assessment process, based on the test, will serve as an input to the SAAC and also for the continuous development of the applicant. Kindly note that it is not in your interest to share information related to the self-administered test.

How long does the psychometric test take to complete?

The test is done at the Institute for the Public Services (IPS) and takes about 30 minutes to complete.  You will receive an email from IPS when you are required to attend for the test.

Who is required to sit for the psychometric test?

Eligible applicants who have not sat for a psychometric test in the past two (2) years will be required to sit for such a test. 

Does sitting for a psychometric test make you eligible for the selection process?

​Sitting for a psychometric test does not mean that the applicant is eligible.