One-Stop-Shop for Public Officers

The scope of the One-Stop-Shop for Public Officers (OSS) is to serve as a point of reference to Publ​ic Officers regarding any queries related to their employment within the Public Service. The unit provides guidance and support regarding various aspects related to the conditions of employment with the Public Service such as, special leaves, allowances, career progression and promotion. work-life balance measures and modern work practices. The One-Stop-Shop is committed in providing timely and effective support to public officers and may also act as liaison between the employees and management. 


The services of the OSS comprise:

  • Providing guidance and support to public officers and line departments on areas related to their employment with the Public Service
  • Providing information on services and benefits applicable to public officers
  • Assisting public officers who would like to submit a case of alleged injustice for the investigation by​ the Grievances Board
  • Ensuring that recommendations made by the OSS and/or the Grievances Board are implemented by line Ministries in a timely manner​
  • ​Outreach public officers through focus groups held across line Ministries


Lodging a Grievance Case:

The OSS also strives in furthering transparency and accountability which are two important pillars guiding the Public Service. In this regard, Public Officers who feel they are suffering from an alleged injustice related to their employment with the Public Service may opt to formally present their case to the OSS for it to be evaluated.

Applicants wishing to submit a case may do so by submitting the claim in writing or via email, and attaching the relevant declaration form which may be downloaded here​​​. Any documents which applicants deem relevant to substantiate their case may be attached to their application.

Once a submission is complete, the OSS allocates a reference number and issues an acknowledgement letter to the applicant. Cases that are deemed to be of an administrative nature, such as, issues related to progression, allowances and work-life balance measures, are handled directly by the OSS for the necessary investigation. Matters which go beyond the remit of the OSS are referred to the Grievances Board for its evaluation. These cases may include, but are not limited to, breach of rights related to the career and the conditions of work of public officers, bullying, and harassment. Decisions are taken prudently and in a timely manner, after all necessary research is carried out accordingly.

Further information may be found in the Manual regarding the One-Stop-Shop for Public Officers which may be accessed here.​

Our Quality Service Charter can be accessed in English from here and in Maltese from here.​

The One-Stop-Shop for Public Officers is designed in a way to be reachable and accessible to its clients by various methods of contact, as indicated below:


Telephone:         2200 1225

Email:                  [email protected]

Walk In:              3, Castille Place, Valletta


Opening Hours:


1st October – 15th June:

Monday to Friday from 7.45 till 17.15


16th June – 30th September

Monday to Friday from 7.30 till 13.30


Public Holidays: Closed