In 1996, the Government of Malta acquired its first inter-Ministerial HR tool known as HRIMS. The system was developed in-house by the Malta Information Technology and Training Services (now MITA). Though it was introduced as a 'prototype', it has continued to serve its purpose well for many years. However, the need for a replacement of this system was felt with the increasing demand for an improved and more powerful system capable of handling our increasing requirements. Following L.N. 327/2009, responsibility for the governance of the Government payroll was transferred from Treasury to OPM, and during that same year, a tender was awarded by MITA to Dakar Systems to replace the present payroll system. This payroll system contained also basic HR functions, being the first building block towards a consolidated HR Information system. The strategic shift towards one integrated HR/Payroll System is aimed at achieving advantages such as significant savings in data entry, as the two functions would be captured in one single database and a drastic reduction of possible inputting errors. The migration from the old system to Dakar-HR has been carried out and the new system has now gone live.